
Artist Focus 21: Stanza

2 October, 2013

Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won twenty international art prizes and Stanza’s art has also been rewarded with a prestigious Nesta Dreamtime Award, an Arts Humanities Creative Fellowship and a Clarks bursary award.

His artworks have been exhibited with over fifty exhibitions globally. Participating venues have included: Venice Biennale, Victoria Albert Museum, Tate Britain, Biennale of Sydney, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico.

Stanza’s artworks explore artistic and technical opportunities to enable new aesthetic perspectives, experiences and perceptions within context of architecture, data spaces and online environments.

Recurring themes throughout his career include the urban landscape, surveillance culture, privacy and alienation in the city. Stanza is interested in the patterns we leave behind as well real time networked events that can be re-imagined and sourced for information. Stanza uses multiple new technologies to create distances between real time multi point perspectives that emphasis a new visual space. The purpose of this is to communicate feelings and emotions that we encounter daily which impact on our lives and which are outside our control.

His mediums include; generative artworks, paintings, installations, software systems and public artworks.

Binary Graffiti Club. An Art Project

Inspiring young people to see the city as canvas to create change. Working with young people Stanza will work to create unique images in urban locations to represent the hopes and aspirations of young people. The groups will be set in various contexts and they will all be wearing the specially made binary hoodies that have been designed by Stanza.

This is a selection of artwork represents the hopes and aspirations of young people set in various contexts in specially made binary hoodies. The hoodies and artworks are available for exhibition.


These artworks are made from thousands of live real time CCTV images using custom made software which captures the images over selected periods of time. Some images represent an hour of time, some are overnight and some show weeks. They are media visualisations.

Underpinning these artworks and research, are a whole series of potential problems about observation, surveillance, and the ethics of the control space.  Imagine walking out the door, and knowing every single action, movement, sound, micro movement, pulse, and thread of information is being tracked, monitored, stored, analyzed, interpreted and logged.

These artworks are made from small unit blocks, simplified then re built, re-cored re-formed into an understanding that can re-communicate the complexity of the larger system.

These images or mediascapes are made from my software system that gathers images live from CCTV systems pointing at where riots have happened.

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