
Artist Focus 34: Claire Gaydon

17 October, 2013

Claire Gaydon’s performances have been described as ‘a tribute to the art of storytelling’ (View From the God). Her debut solo show Rémy premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2012 before being transferring to the Arcola Theatre in London and to Lincoln Drill Hall in February 2013.

A graduate of the Acting and Contemporary Theatre course at East 15 drama school, Claire’s experience and training fuelled her desire to create her own work, which led to the formation of her theatre company Everything I Own, leading to the production of Rémy and Frequency 13 show Somebody That I Used to Know.

Claire has been commissioned by the LPAC Produers to bring a new personal and interactive one on one performance to Lincoln Performing Arts Centre for Frequency 13.

Somebody That I Used to Know

‘I was fourteen when I met Andrew. He was the first boy I really connected with and he became my best friend.

As often is the case with childhood friends we drifted apart. Recently, Andrew posted on Facebook that his sister had been diagnosed with Leukaemia.

The world is now a smaller place. Thanks to the digital revolution we have the ability to communicate and stay constantly connected with anyone from anywhere across the world. In the case of someone we’ve lost personal contact with, social media can also provide a window for study. This not unusual activity creates a situation where we can know more about a person than we do, in fact, know them.’


Somebody That I Used to Know is a solo show combining live performance with multi-media.  It is a personal and interactive experience for one audience member at a time, lasting just fifteen minutes. It’s a chance to remember the people we have almost forgotten; and a celebration and reflection upon how we connect with the people we care about.

Claire on Revolution

‘Interacting with each another is one of our most basic human instincts. Technology has advanced and transformed the way we communicate in such a way it can described as nothing other than a revolution.

I propose to explore these new and evolved relationships: from friends, ex-lovers and family members hanging together by a digital thread, to the mass global communication of otherwise strangers.’



You can see Somebody That I Used to Know at LPAC on Thursday 24th October

Find out more about Claire at Frequency 13

Visit her website for more information 

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